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About The Author

Neville Wallace

Worshipful Brother Neville Wallace embarked on his Masonic journey in September 2008, ushered into Freemasonry through the guidance of Worshipful Brother Howard Ennis and other esteemed Freemason associates. His initiation into The Glenlyon Lodge 346 S.C. marked the commencement of a dedicated and impacting involvement within the fraternity.

Swiftly ascending within the ranks, Worshipful Brother Neville assumed the role of Treasurer of the Lodge, in which he demonstrated astute financial acumen by converting years of deficits to surpluses at the end of his tenure and also moving the revenue from fundraising projects to a 65% increase. His commitment to service and excellence saw him progressing through the degrees of Fellow of Craft, Master Mason, and Mark Degree, attaining each milestone with diligence and reverence.

Throughout his early years, Brother Neville’s contributions to The Glenlyon Lodge were substantial, serving as Treasurer for two consecutive years and playing a pivotal role in its operational and fundraising endeavors. His visionary leadership and unwavering dedication propelled him to the esteemed position of Right Worshipful Master for the Masonic Years 2015-2016 and 2018-2019.