Don’t come.
When you do come, come late.
Never accept an office. It is better to stay out-side and criticize.
The officers asked for the job, let them do all the work.
Never pay your dues in advance. Wait until you get your moneys worth and then wait a while longer.
It is good to tell your officers failings to visitors, they might be a long time finding them out.
If there are a few zealous workers in the Lodge inform everyone the Lodge is run by a clique.
Disagree with established rules and regulations, let people know you have a mind of your own.
Keep talking to the brother next to you in open Lodge, it makes for good fellowship.
If one brother has said or done something you don’t like, be mad at the whole Lodge.
Neville Wallace is a distinguished Masonic author with over fifteen (15) years of experience in Freemasonry.
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