Cover of Masonic Musings

Masonic Musings

“We all know a fool when we see one – but not when we are one.” Arnold H. Glasow
A Lodge is filled with Brethren who promote each other’s welfare and should rejoice in each other’s prosperity, or at least we’re told that’s what Masons do. I hope your Lodge is that kind of Lodge; I understand that there are some that aren’t.

One way for a Lodge to promote each other’s welfare is to feed the self esteem of our brethren. This can be done in various ways by every one of us by letting our brethren know we appreciate them and are glad that we’re associated with them through our Lodge. It can also be done in various ways as a Lodge by the Master giving awards when they are deserved, such as: Mason of the year Awards; awards for meritorious service to the Lodge in some respect; and Longevity Awards.
We’re all familiar with 50 year awards given by our Grand Lodge through the recipients individual Lodge and they are sure enjoyable to attend and be a part of. Unfortunately sometimes other Longevity awards are missed, overlooked, or just not thought of.

Recognizing Brethren with longevity awards when they hit successive 5 year marks not only on the 50 year mark go a long way to foster good feelings. Our Grand Lodge has longevity certificates for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, years and beyond. Presenting awards such as these lets the Brethren know we appreciate them.

In order for a Brother to get a 50 year award a couple of things are necessary: he needs to have joined at a young enough age where he is likely to be around 50 years later, and he needs to live for 50 years after receiving his third degree. Not all Masons were made Masons in their 20’s and unfortunately not all Masons live for 50 years after their third degree. However most Masons do remain Masons for the rest of their lives.

Having been one who has been involved with presenting longevity awards for a wide variety of years as a Mason I can tell you that the 25 year award and pin; the 40 year award; the 10 year award and all the rest mean as much to the Mason receiving it as the 50, 60 year and longer awards mean to those Brethren who receive those.

If you want to help a brother rejoice in his prosperity urge the Master of your Lodge to begin a program of recognizing the brethren with awards for genuine praise. The recipients will be thrilled with the thought and the award, and we will be very happy to join with them in their happy moment.

Neville Wallace

About the Author

Neville Wallace is a distinguished Masonic author with over fifteen (15) years of experience in Freemasonry.

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